Monday, October 12, 2009

Pyper San by Heather von B

Over the past few months, I have been trying to decide what I wanted to do with my talent, I have been going banck and forth, forth and back, looking at my options as to what I wanted to do with my career. I have been wanting to design since the age of 8, and I cant really see myself doing anything less with my life. Having greater expectations within myself, the back and forth, forth and back has decided, and the many failed attempts are no more. I am a do'er not a quiter, so not my scene. What my scene is, is Pyper San by Heather von B! I love fashion, it's been in my blood since I escaped my mother's womb, its all I know and all that I am. Piece by piece is created with what I am a fashioista. My skill is more than a skill, it's a passion, and I am in it to win it. Along with my fashion blogs, please expect updates and photos on my journey to create what is my destiny. Without further adieu, please welcome who I say that I am in a relationship with :-) PYPER SAN BY HEATHER von B!